Looking for America's next ‘hot' housing market? The Midwest may provide a lucrative blueprint for investors.

Jaina Pallasigui, a public-health professional, started investing in real estate in the Midwest in December 2021. She bought a home three hours out...

July 28, 2023
3:22 PM

Jaina Pallasigui, a public-health professional, started investing in real estate in the Midwest in December 2021. She bought a home three hours outside of Indianapolis, in Evansville, which she is renting out to long-term tenants. Although she is actually based in Laguna Niguel, Orange County, Calif., Pallasigui found that investing in the Midwest was a lot more affordable than her hometown. Her first home in Evansville cost less than $50,000. 'It was $48,000, and I did a conventional loan, with a down payment of 20%,' Pallasigui told MarketWatch.

Aarthi Swaminathan